The priorities of the activities of the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Economy are as follows:
- To support and improve State Information Resources Interoperability Platform (SIRIP) as well as expand the use of its infrastructure in transferring public and administrative services to the electronic space and providing them.
- To participate in developing the regulation of management of the state information resources and coordinate its implementation.
- To ensure the effective use of the state budget for information society development projects by combining different sources of financing sources (support of the EU Structural Funds, co-financing, and funds under the State Investment Programme).
The key activities of the Committee include the following:
- Participation in the process of shaping state policy in the development of information society;
- Coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the information society development policy;
- Coordination of information society development projects financed under the State Investment Programme, coordination of investment projects;
- Administration of the EU Structural Funds allocated for the development of the information society in Lithuania;
- Drafting of the requirements for Internet websites of state institutions and agencies and coordination of the implementation thereof;
- Designing, coordination of operation and monitoring of the State Register (Cadastre) System, drafting of the legal base;
- Coordination and supervision of the installation, development, management, etc. of the state information systems;
- Support, improvement and development of the use of State Information Resources Interoperability Platform (SIRIP);
- Management and maintenance of the Interdepartmental Tax Data Warehouse (ITDW);
- Supervision of compliance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Information Society Services and the legal acts related to the implementation thereof;
- Participation in adapting the information environment to the disabled and carrying out other activities related to electronic inclusion.
Last updated: 05-08-2023