State registers and information systems
Efficient and interoperable registers and information systems are necessary prerequisites to provide citizens and businesses with high quality electronic services and to automate public administration processes.
State registers and information systems are integral parts of state information resources, they are subject to overall planning, management and security tools, as well as to the creation, management, principles and requirements of the integrity.
ISDC organises and coordinates the laws and other legislation governing the registers and information systems and their formation, development and validation:
- Seeking for systemic regulation of state information resources as an object, in 2011 ISDC prepared the draft Law on State Information Resources Management of the Republic of Lithuania. The Law was passed and entered into force from 1st January 2012;
- ISDC monitors the establishment and development of state and departmental records and public information systems, and also collects, compiles and publishes information on established and validated registers and information systems;
- Currently there are 89 established state and departmental registers and 105 public information systems.
Last updated: 05-08-2023