Structural funds administration
Since 2004 ISDC has been the administration authority of EU funding in the area of information society development in Lithuania.
EU Structural Funds support for information society development in the 2004-2006 period of EU structural assistance was provided in accordance with the 2004-2006 Single Programming Document measure 3.3 “The development of informatikon technology services and infrastructure”. During this period, funding was provided for 42 information society projects with a total value of more than LTL 258 million (European Regional Development Fund share was LTL 174 million).
In the 2007-2013 period of EU structural assistance, EU Structural Funds support for information society development is being granted in accordance with the Economic Growth Operational Programme 3rd priority “Information Society for All“. This Priority seeks to reduce the digital divide caused by geographic and economic conditions and to stimulate information society processes via implementation of the following objectives:
- to develop electronic solutions in order to increase efficiency in public sector institutions and to stimulate e-business initiatives in the country;
- establish an even and secure electronic networks infrastructure throughout the country.
In the current period, information society development projects will receive more than LTL 975 million (European Regional Development fund share is LTL 829 million).
What legislations are governing 2014-2020 EU cohesion policy implementation?
EU cohesion policy regulations were confirmed in 17 December 2013, in which EU cohesion policy‘s conducting, EU funds allocation, management and administration rules. EU cohesion policy regulations consist of four regulations:
General rules, which govern European Regional Development Fund (ERPF), European Social Fund (ESF), Cohesion Fund, European Agriculture Development Fund (EŽŪFKP) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EJŽF) activity.
European Regional Development Fund.
Cohesion Fund.
European Social Fund.
These regulations identify 11 thematic objectives and investment priorities in detailing them (58). Every EU state member, taking into account arising challenges and existing development needs, could choose different thematic objectives.
Main national strategic documents are dedicated to implement 2014–2020 EU Cohesion Fund policy:
Partnership agreement ( Confirmed by European Committee in 20 June 2014); and
2014–2020 EU Operational Funds Investment Programme (Confirmed by European Committee in 8 September 2014).
What are 2014–2020 priority investment areas in Lithuania?
For the implementation of economic growth and job creation by 2014-2020 EU Fund Investment Programme, 6,709 milliard euros are dedicated. For the implementation of European territorial cooperation 113, 7 million euros are dedicated from the fund of European development.
As part of the implementation of the growth and jobs goal, during the period of 2014 – 2020, considerable attention is expected to focus on high value for oriented economy. About 10 per cent. of EU fund are planned to dedicate for research, experimental development and innovation promotion, about 8 per cent – for the small and medium-sized business promotion. Investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy are also very essential, which allocates 14,5% of 2014 – 2020 EU fund. For the promotion of the information society envisaged for 3,6 of the funds.
During 2014 – 2020 period, there will also be higher than in the 2007 – 2013 period, investments from the European Social Fund, which is responsible for funding of not infrastructural activity, focused on reducing social exclusion, education, increase of human resources potential, social exclusion. In general, these areas are earmarked for 28, 8 per cent during 2014-2020 of EU fund. Not less than 20 of the funds will be dedicated to the fight against poverty. For public management activities, which are funded by EU Social Fund, 2,2 per cent of EU fund will be dedicated.
During the period of 2014-2020, European Union Structural Funds investment the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications are performing functions of methodical support centre, 2014-2020 European Union Operational Funds Investment Programme provides methodological assistance to administrative authorities and consultations on the 2 priority action programme "Promotion of Information Society " implementation, preparation of documents and project evaluation, selection and administration.
Last updated: 05-08-2023